Little Bob’s Experience! Brainobrain’s Abacus Skill Development Program for Children Ages 4 to 6
Parents want the best academic grades and skill development activities for their children and are often at their wit’s end to keep their children engaged in skills and overall development of their children which are fun-filled too. Brainobrain Kids activity centres in Australia has abacus classes for children aged four years to children aged 7 years.
What is Abacus?
An Abacus skill development program teaches students how to use the abacus, a classic counting tool, to improve their arithmetic and cognitive development. These programs are popular, particularly with children, for improving mental arithmetic, focus, and problem-solving ability.
What is Brainobrain’s abacus program?
Based on the unique and age-old abacus tool, Brainobrain’s abacus program allows children to develop their arithmetic and mental calculation skills while improving memory, and concentration. Logical and problem-solving skills.Why Choose Brainobrain program for 4-to-6-year kids:
We follow the best abacus methods and consistently evolve in curriculum design. Divided into easy-to-handle modules, our curriculum offers courses that initiate faster left and right brain coordination, enhanced memory and concentration, speed, accuracy, hand coordination and motor skills.Here are a few vital points you must know about Brainobrain’s courses:
- International Concept
- World’s Latest Kids-Friendly Syllabus
- Child-centric Course Modules
- Additional Training in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
- Stringent Quality Policies
- Competent, Trained, Certified & Committed Instructors
- Quality Assessment through Regional & National Competitions

Benefits of Abacus Training for Young Children:
Our Little Bobs program is not just any educational program that requires hard work. This program is specially designed for skill development in children and to create positivity while learning. The easy-to-learn curriculum focuses on children gaining confidence in handling mathematical challenges. Here are a few outcomes you can expect:- Improve your arithmetic skills by using an abacus
- Develop your mental calculation skills
- Improve your concentration and memory
- Develop problem-solving skills and logical thinking
- Gain confidence in handling mathematical tasks
What are the main components of the curriculum?
- Abacus Mental Arithmetic and Mental Gymnastics
- International NLP
- Group Discussions & Role Plays
- Good Habits & Etiquette
- Vocabulary & Spelling Skills
- Observation & Concentration Skills
- Quick & Retentive Memory
- Positive Belief System
- Leadership Skills, Personality Analysis
- Creative Art & Story Writing
Abacus Program Structure and Curriculum
- Little Bobs has 4 modules with 3 months each
- Classes are conducted once a week for 2 hours
- After 2 modules, children can switch to the II level of Brainobrain
- After 4 Modules, children can switch to the III level of Brainobrain